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New Member Information
Choosing a synagogue family is one of the most important decisions that one can make. The right synagogue choice can make all the difference in the world whether a new location is really a home. Whether you are new to the Chattanooga area or have been a resident for several years, B’nai Zion’s doors are always open. We want to welcome you home.
Since 1888, B’nai Zion Congregation has provided multiple generations with the opportunities and experiences to promote Jewish enrichment of our families. We look forward to serving our next generation with vibrant religious school education programming and adult learning that is not only engaging, but exciting and empowering. Our Men’s Club, Sisterhood and multi-interest chavarot (friends) foster the true spirit of ruach (spirit). This ties us closer together not only as a synagogue family but as a community.
Whether B’nai Zion Congregation is right for you and your family is a decision only you can make. Let us help you in making your important decision by contacting us directly at 423-894-8900 or by email at for more information.
Membership Levels
The simple act of joining B’nai Zion Congregation can bring new energy to your spiritual sense of well-being. For that reason, B’nai Zion maintains five levels of membership that are designed to accommodate the needs of different populations within our Jewish Community. The levels of membership are:
  • Individual
  • Couple
  • Single Parent Family
  • Double Parent Family
  • Gesher (Enhanced dues to further your impact)
General Membership Benefits
Being a member of B’nai Zion Congregation comes with added benefits to assist you in leading your spiritual life:
  • Seating at all synagogue services
  • Reserved seating for High Holiday services
  • Rabbinic support for lifecycle events and personal needs
  • Religious school enrollment and bar/bat mitzvah
  • Special rates for adult education classes, synagogue dinners, retreats and special events
  • Receive all synagogue print and electronic communications
  • Voting rights at membership meetings
  • Ability to serve on a standing committee
  • Burial privileges
Please contact the Board Treasurer for membership rates.

B'nai Zion Membership Application


Yahrzeit means "a years time" in yiddish. It refers to the anniversary of the death of a close relative. Please fill out if there are important yahrzeits for us to be aware of.

Getting Involved

Membership Agreement


Thu, February 6 2025 8 Shevat 5785